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The Foundation makes grants and investments based on the following criteria (which use the acronym FIRST):


  • FOCUS on marine exploration, protection and education

  • IMPACT of measurable, meaningful results that add value to people's lives and the health of their environment 

  • REPLICABLE in other locations and/or on a larger scale

  • SATISFACTION, even fun, results from the projects undertaken

  • TAKING CREDIT for the Foundation, thereby building its brand and inspiring others to invest in marine environment projects   


Preference in funding consideration is given to institutional partners with 501 (c) (3) IRS designations, who have established track records, defined terms, and measurable outcomes.

Hercules, an ocean exploration ROV operated by OET from E/V NAUTILUS

Beach clean up in the Grenadines

Coastal cleanup with local NGOs and school students in the Grenadines 

Marine mural painted on

Carriacou island primary school

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